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Laziness and its General Disadvantage to your life and health

Laziness and its General Disadvantage to your life and health

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An Idle Hand is Ill-health grounds

Laziness and idleness is seen as more of Bible instructions and day-to-day life advice given by most parents and elders. Little do most people know that there are health disadvantages to laziness and Idleness. 

Should we call Rexxie for a better explanation? Let’s proceed.

According to Wikipedia, Laziness also known as indolence is a disinclination to activity or exertion despite having the ability to act or to exert oneself. It is often used as a pejorative; terms for a person seen to be lazy include “couch potato”, “slacker”, and “bludger”.

Laziness is simply having the energy to work, to do things, to carry out activities but choosing or making seemingly acceptable excuses not to. In some parts, they call lazy people “An idle hand”.

If you are familiar with sayings, then the saying, “An idle hand is the devil’s workshop would not be strange to you”.

Now, with the deteriorating moral standard of particularly, Youths? Devils workshop only?. Some people no longer even care the devil use their hands as a workshop or tool so far it is not by themselves the hands are used.

The happy information this article, however, is sharing is that apart from laziness making one a workshop for the devil, it makes ones body, soul, and spirit a house for Ill health.

Laziness and its General Disadvantage to your life and health

General Disadvantages of Laziness

Laziness and its General Disadvantage to your life and health


It is practically living one’s dream for some people while they have nothing to do and just sleep, wake up, eat and watch movies and sleep back.

Screen time can increase exposure to foods that promote weight gain.

A particular study revealed that people consume a lot of food while binge-watching most times without control or count.

The cue the body is giving of being full goes unnoticed and attention to calories consumed is pretty much non-existent.

Financial Difficulty

Laziness and its General Disadvantage to your life and health

There is a saying, “Do nothing, say nothing and nothing shall be accounted for on your behalf”. Applying this to inactivity, one can clearly figure, out no work no pay.

The only way and one this does not concern is people who have inheritance, something to fall back on but someone with nothing like this kind of advantage, living a life of inactivity, and laziness, would have difficulties financially.

Getting basic things that the person needs would be difficult and at last, the devil aspiring apprentice gets accepted to work for him.

Inferiority Complex

Laziness and its General Disadvantage to your life and health

The term “inferiority complex” appeared in psychology, thanks to the famous German psychoanalyst Alfred Adler. It was Adler who defined it and singled out several components.

An inferiority complex is a set of emotional and psychological sensations that are expressed in a sense of one’s own inferiority and an unfounded belief in the superiority of the surrounding people.

Inferiority Complex as a result of lazy choices or Idleness is not a good feeling at all.

To socialize with people in one age range would be a problem because their nagging feeling of “You could have been the one up that stage if you were not lazy” hardly leaves

Mental Issues

Laziness and its General Disadvantage to your life and health

You practically do nothing but just sleep, and soon brooding comes in. Shortly after, depression sets in with his lookalike brothers.

That’s when you have time to check if one type of thought keeps coming to mind, what type of disorder it is on Google.

This is not to downsize the role of searching what something bothering could be but when you have nothing to do, your mind is susceptible to all manners of garbage and lies if not careful, and what laziness does is make your mind a trash bag for dirt to be placed in.

Finally, it is advised anyone, everyone except you has very strong and logical reasons not to, find something positively rewarding to do. Not just

anything but something worth pushing your life forward even if by 0.1, it’s still something


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