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Valentine’s Day: “Tonight, young men and women will entrust Marine agents with their lives.” Bamiloye Mike

Valentine’s Day: “Tonight, young men and women will entrust Marine agents with their lives.” Bamiloye Mike

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Mike Bamiloye, a pastor, has addressed the public with a message in honor of Valentine’s Day.

The Mount Zion Ministry’s founder emphasized how many young people tonight will entrust Marine agents with their entire lives.

The minister continued by emphasizing that many people will indulge in excessive acts of lust today and then wake up the next day believing they are normal. Sadly, they are no longer connected to the power source.

He stated that the passionate enjoyment would be hot for a while, before it started to go chilly, and described the conduct as an abuse of the day love.

“Many people will have a lot of lustful funs today and wake up tomorrow morning as normal, but the truth is; long after a very hot pressing iron had been disconnected from the power source, it would still be hot for a while, until it begins to grow cold.

Some power cable would be disconnected from the power source of some people this evening. Some young men and women will place their entire life. Virtues and destinies in the hand of Marine Agents tonight. It is an Abuse of the Day of Love”.

Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day would see the slaying of many destinies, according to Bamiloye

Mike Bamiloye had referred to Valentine’s Day in 2021 as the “day of de@th.”

The clergyman emphasized that many destinies would be k!lled on February 14 as many individuals would celebrate the day with carnal pleasure.

The Christian filmmaker says that every young person should emulate Joseph and that, had he slept with Potiphar’s wife, his destiny would have been murdered and aborted.

He tweeted on the microblogging platform Twitter as follows:

“Tomorrow is a day of death. Tomorrow evening is a ‘Night of Fun’ when many men and ladies will slaughter their destinies on the bed of lustful pleasure. By the next morning, it is done! Destiny auctioned to a young man or a lady whose future has been mortgaged to the devil.

“Happy Valentine! If Joseph had had fun with Potiphar’s wife, he would never have got to the palace to see the type of Glory he saw. He escaped that trap that would have aborted his destiny on which so many lives in Egypt and Canaan land depended upon.

“There is a great story in Proverbs 7:6-27. It is a sad story of a young man on his own “Valentine Night.” He had thought he wanted to have fun that night; he had thought he wanted to enjoy himself but crashed his future in a night of fun.”


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