
Tems: How Coachella brought me to perform with Justin Bieber

Tems: How Coachella brought me to perform with Justin Bieber

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Tems recently told a fantastic anecdote in an interview about her wonderful Coachella performance with Justin Bieber.

Tems claims that all began when Justin Bieber contacted her directly and expressed his desire to perform with her. At first, Tems had no intention of inviting any special guests to perform, so the audience was ecstatic when Justin Bieber showed out on stage without warning.


Still, that’s not all! Tems also disclosed that Wizkid, another well-known Nigerian, happened to be in the area and joined her on stage at Coachella. She performed in a way that was even more spectacular and unforgettable because of this unplanned partnership.

It’s important to note that Tems, Justin Bieber, and Wizkid had already worked together on the popular song “Essence,” which enhanced the charm of their Coachella performance.

Tems has received incredible support for her work from Justin Bieber. When she made fun of her record, he not only shared it with her but also gave her words of support. Seeing such comradery and support in the music profession is incredibly gratifying.


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