
All you need to know about Cholera

All you need to know about Cholera

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Popularly known in Yoruba as ‘ArunOnigbameji’ meaning the Disease of two bowls one for vomiting, the other for stooling.

To give a proper definition of Cholera in a way that captures all it entails we’ll say that.

Cholera is a presently experienced unpleasant discharge of feces frequently in liquid form caused by

the consumption of food or water that is contaminated.

An advertisement video was put out by the State Government of Oyo State about two years ago,

A man was told to contribute money so his community could make a proper toilet

All you need to know about Cholera
All you need to know about Cholera image source: Google

rather than have them pass waste products into the same water they drink, cook, and bathe with.

He blatantly refused and said his excreta is the one the fishes eat and get fatter.

The video ended up with him shouting for a bowl for defecating and vomiting.

This is the common practice in some of these communities closes to rivers.

Drinking the water and believing eating the fish almost raw is healthy and nutritious?

The question at this point should be Nutriwhat?

Taking dirt or waste product-contaminated water or food. In Ibadan Nigerian,

two great rivers are used as a source of water for the people after being treated at the Waterworks namely the Eleyele and Asejirewater.

The Eleyele water has some people who reside just by the side of the river.

Some of the people defecate in the water and still get drinking water from it. This is a major cause of Cholera.

All you need to know about Cholera
All you need to know about Cholera
  • Consumption of raw seafood or half-uncooked seafood

This is common in the Asian part of the world but at times happens with Africans too when they get things like fish and do not cook it well.,

The bacterium Vibrio Cholera comes into the body.

  • Symptoms


Leg or muscle pain

Excessive thirst

Dry skin

Stooling (Rice water look alike kind of stools)

Dehydration, Shock because of fluids loss

  • What to Avoid

Raw or uncooked or half-cooked meals.

Untreated water.

Packaged food because of an unknown source of water or things use for cooking the food.

Unwashed thoroughly Veggies.

Unwashed and unsanitized hands cooking.

Rehydration therapy: Ever heard of Oral rehydration salts? Bet you have.

Known as ORS given in hospitals for Cholera or diarrhea and dysentery patients to be taken with bottled water.

Here, timely restoration of lost fluids and salt is done hence, the use of ORS.

Intravenous Fluids: Drips? Yeah, drips.

When rehydration cannot work on its own, they set drips for patients to supply their bodies with liquid and salt that they have lost.

This is done when the patient either refuses to take Oral rehydration salts through the mouth or if the amount of liquid loss in the

the body is beyond Rehydration therapy alone.

Antibiotics and Zinc Supplements: It is used for shortening the length of the days of diarrhea caused by Cholera.

All you need to know about Cholera
All you need to know about Cholera Image source: Google

Rather than putting oneself in situations where one practically defecates everything inside them, it’s better we watch carefully what we eat.

When you know what to avoid definitely you would be able to figure out what should be done and that is why we provide this information.

To prevent Cholera outbreaks in your home and Community.


Social media Experts, ICT Experts and Specialist, Copywriters & Article Writer, Pastry Chef, Health Practional Hospitality Managers, and Content Creator

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