
3 Major Ways of Mentally taking care of yourself in 2023

Your 2023 Mental Self-care know-how

Major Ways of Mentally taking care of yourself in 2023

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As an individual, an Asian, Ethiopian, Antarctican, African, or Nigerian there are several things that want and take up space in your head.

Several seemingly important things, people who might even be actually Important but stress you out and makes you mentally burn out.

Sometimes you have to prioritize which one to pay attention to and sometimes you have to reject them all and pick yourself. Yes, your own very self.

Major Ways of Mentally taking care of yourself in 2023

In 2023, it is important for you to know that joy within is what you extend outside.

It is the joy within that encourages cheerful expression.

If mentally you are not okay, you are down, and a lot of things are depressing you, your outer life would express what’s going on inside of you.

Joy is internal, for peace of mind, the same applies.

It is that rest you have despite raging storms and when it seems the pillars of whatsoever are shaking, that peace is everything you need this year.

Major Ways of Mentally taking care of yourself in 2023

If that description sounds foreign or familiar, it’s all good.

This new year we need to know how to take good care of our minds, and our thoughts as the Sabi woman, man, guy, lady, boy, or girl that we are.

Stay Away from things or people that stress you this entire year

People invite too many people into their personal space and get overwhelmed in the long run when they are not in control of their own space any longer.

They post their new cars and start explaining to a Friend who slides into their dm asking how they got the car.

Major Ways of Mentally taking care of yourself in 2023

When people hear the word stay away, they typically assume a fight or flight mode automatically.

Staying away can mean putting at a controllable distance someone or something who is stressing you, except your case is like that of the guy in the popular movie Jexi which even his stressor eventually got rid of.

Major Ways of Mentally taking care of yourself in 2023

A group, a person, or anything can be your stressor, the one who makes you pass through a lot of stress.

Most people get stressed by people they hold in high esteem and cannot cut off once but a sensible wise distance would help their mental health.

No Emotional Investment

Most people in asylums, hurt and broken people who share their stories of betrayals from friends, leaders, men of God, and groups hardly care about material investments in their stories but you hear a lot of how much they have invested emotionally.

This year, stop letting people just do little and gain much from you. If you have been investing emotionally in a relationship or thing draining you mentally, STOP.

Someone checks up on you for about four years now and you do the same for them and you reached out through different means with no signs of changing.

At this point, you should stop.

Not out of hatred but gradually you are putting all your mind together, doing a lot of mental work at getting what is wrong that it begins to affect you.

This year do not emotionally invest in mentally draining things that would not profit you in the long run.

Your emotions are expensive and should not be carelessly inputted in just anyone, situation, or things because those result in heartaches, lots of disappointed expectations, and make one mentally down which is not allowed for 2023. You are no onion tears shouldn’t be wasted, Move.

Prioritize your Wellness:

The moment you start putting yourself first, people who used to take advantage of the position you put them previously would try manipulating you back to that but no, you are not going back.

You should not be Item B or Z for you, that is totally wrong.

That is not being selfless at all that is self-damaging rather.

Let no one deceive you into thinking putting you at the back would one day help them put you at the front.

It might never be you and that would hurt when they pick themselves instead of you.

Major Ways of Mentally taking care of yourself in 2023

Your interest, your happiness, your dreams, and your opinions no matter how unconformable it is to the community or people you find yourself, matters, and they should to you.

Do not shrink your opinion for others to stand.

It is mentally destructive. You get home and regret it. That type of life for this year is totally rejected.

You see don try, it’s time to make you too come first to you.

You are a human and deserve just like everyone else to pick you and do you no matter how irregular ‘You’ might be

Create good thoughts

A man that thinks evil thoughts can be likened to someone who takes a stone and damages his physical body. Which one is, “ What if I cross that road and that trailer just hits me?”.

“What if I send that message and it gets ignored or seen as childish?”. Dear reader, this year please be positive. Do not talk internally talk yourself down.

The worst you fear is going to happen is the last that can.

A trailer hitting you off the road is something you should not dwell on as a thought.

Channel your thoughts to positive things, have a positive outlook on life and live daily. No one really really can care about you more than you.

It is a new year and another chance to start all over again.

February? It is still a new year. March? It is still a new year.

The year being new starts in your mind. New beginnings, projects, contracts, house, car, and Relationship starts in your mind so think Good thoughts.

Do not damage your own mind.

Finally as a Sabi person wey, you be, take your mind seriously.

Reject negative thoughts of whatsoever kind and create good ones, let go of your Stressors, and Do not emotionally invest in unprofitable people and things.

So Cheers to you for a new beginning.


Social media Experts, ICT Experts and Specialist, Copywriters & Article Writer, Pastry Chef, Health Practional Hospitality Managers, and Content Creator

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